Monday, January 27, 2014

One Hit Wonder

Hey Hey!
Well I hope everyone had another great LONG week without school! Those Ice Castles at Midway seemed so sweet! I'm so jealous that you got to go to them. I always wanted to go, but hey maybe when I get back! Everyone here's been talking about Frozen so I hear it's really good! Everyone always said that you really get cut off from the rest of the world when you hit 6 months and I never really believed it... But its so true! For some reason you think that life back home is just on a stand still and that everyone's just waiting for you to get back. But life goes on, new songs/movies come out, etc. It's pretty crazy! Gosh I can't believe it's already that time of year for Lizzy's Ballet concert! If feels just like it was yesterday that mom and I went to it! I guess time just flies when you're having fun right?
This week has been pretty good but a little bit abnormal. In this last week we've been able to find more investigators then pretty much all of the other weeks combined since I've been up here! Which is really good! The only problem is Bethel is the land of the one hit wonders. We find all these people to teach and teach them the Restoration and they love it, feel the spirit, and commit to reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it. But then a few days go on and they completely vanish from off of the face of the earth. For example... This week we had our 2nd lesson with our investigator Paul. We watched the Restoration DVD with him and by the end of the lesson he was preaching to us about how Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God and how he knew it. He even went to his Preacher and told him! haha! But he left yesterday out to the villages to work until the end of April... It gets a little bit frustrating but hey the work goes on!

So on Friday my poor little companion sprained his ankle when we were playing basketball with the Natives and he landed on someones foot. So since Friday he's been on crutches but is gettin better! The only problem has been that its been 40 degrees all week long! So everything has been melting and turning into a complete ice rink everywhere. Yesterday we were able to go to the hospital and get him some Ice cleats to put on  the bottom of his crutches so they don't slip out from underneath him. Everyone in Bethel puts on these Ice cleats on the bottom of their shoes so they dont slide around. It's pretty cool!  Yesterday we had to cross the half melted Kuskokwim river and walk a half mile to get to sister Pitka's house. Shes a less active lady that lives on her own little island. As we were walking across I was sure he was going to fall so I was recording him the whole time so I could catch it (I'm a great companion right?) Funny thing was I ate it twice and almost slid into the water and he had to save me by throwing his crutch out and pulling me back in, while he was crutching along just fine! karma. All of the cars on the road were stopping to watch these weird people walk across the melting river on crutches!
I hope you all have an awesome week! Love you!
-Elder Brown

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